So its nothing new that corp. folks are coming to the sticker Scene. I can’t really bitch too much about this without coming across as a hypocrite since I used to be on sticker detail for the Beastie Boys and the now defunct Grand Royal Records. However the Beastie Boys rock and as a result I didn’t really consider myself a whore.
On the other hand whoever it is putting up all those “yippie ki yeah” stickers for the new Die Hard flick, I would hope have a little harder time falling asleep at night.
Anyway it looks like whoever is getting paid by rockstar is a little cry baby....I saw this done to one of the "Corporate Vandals Not Welcome" on the next block.
So now the important question who is right...the Whore from Rockstar Games or "Corporate Vandals not welcome? We will let Opie be the judge..............
The Man Has Spoken!!!!!! Rockstar sticker whore GO HOME!!!!
P.S sorry about the bike